Account mode
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Select the corresponding country, state, city, session type and other conditions. There are two types of session types: Sticky IP and Rotating IP
Sticky IP: The destination IP will not change within the specified time. When the set time is exceeded, the IP will automatically change to another IP under the same conditions, the same IP address can support sessions of up to 120 minutes.
Rotating IP: Each request will use a new IP to access the destination address
Select the location of the forwarding machine. Forwarding machines in different regions have different effects on the proxy effect. Usually, choose a region that is closer to the destination IP or closer to the location of the user using the proxy.
Select the user. Different users have different usernames and passwords.
If you consider running multiple instances concurrently, you can generate multiple proxy information according to the actual scenario settings, and no additional charges will be charged if not used.